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branding101 resources and tips

branding101 resources and tips

By Mike Michelini
Published in Social Media
June 09, 2024
1 min read


brand building tools.txt

Brand Building Case Study: Excalibur Brothers Mike Michelini Tools

Google Trends: https://trends.google.com

Idea generation - answerthepublic.com

SellerSprite.com (AI review tool + chrome extension for tools at affordable price) 35% coupon code - GBA35

Audience testing: PickFu.com

Or Mturk.com (mechanical turk) by Amazon

Logistics: For China bundling, consolidation, and shipping - www.easychinawarehouse.com (disclosure Mike’s company is an investor)

customer avatar worksheet.


Mike Michelini

Mike Michelini

Senior Consultant

An American social media & E-Commerce & SEO specialist being China since late 2007 from Wall Street, he is a“Business Connector”. He is passionate to help companies do business in China, and help Chinese companies to do the oversea market. He carved out GlobalFromAsia.com, in 2013.


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